ASNI Monthly Neuroimmunology Seminar Series

Date: June 30, 2022Time: 12:00pm EDTTitle: Remembering immunity: neuronal representations of immune activityWith: Asya Rolls (Rappaport Institute for Medical Research, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) & Tamar Koren (Rolls's Lab)Moderators: V. Wee Yong (University of Calgary, Canada) & Hugo Peluffo (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo & UDELAR, Uruguay - Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)Join here: 

06/04/2021|Categories: Events|

Tuesday April 27

DATE: Tuesday April 27, 2021ARTICLE: Propionic Acid Shapes the Multiple Sclerosis Disease Course by an Immunomodulatory Mechanism.Science Direct Link: Maja Jagodic (Karolinska Institutet - Stockholm, Sweden)AUTHORS: Aiden Haghikia and Alexander Duscha(Ruhr University Bochum - Bochum, Germany)PRESENTER: Nicolas Ruffin(Karolinska Institutet - Stockholm, Sweden)

23/03/2021|Categories: JC|

Tuesday March 30

DATE: Tuesday March 30, 2022ARTICLE: Microglia facilitate repair of demyelinated lesions via post-squalene sterol synthesisNature Neuroscience Link: MODERATORS: Maja Jagodic (Karolinska Institutet - Stockholm, Sweden)AUTHORS: Gesine Saher and Stefan Berghoff(Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine - Göttingen, Germany)PRESENTER: Andre Ortlieb Guerreiro-Cacais(Karolinska Institutet - Stockholm, Sweden)

16/03/2021|Categories: JC|


Last TUESDAY every month at 3:00 - 4:00 pm CET ESNI is launching a new initiative - Virtual ESNI Journal Club with Authors, featuring the last Tuesday of each month from 15:00-16:00 CET via Zoom. A volunteer junior researcher will present a selected article, while the main authors of the article will be available to discuss with you and address your questions. We wish to use the new digital reality to extend ESNI's educational efforts to a broader audience and connect interested researchers to the latest Neuroimmunology findings. If you have a suggestion for the article or wish to present [...]

09/03/2021|Categories: Journal Club|

Microglia facilitate repair of demyelinated lesions via post-squalene sterol synthesis.

ESNI Journal Club March 30, 2021 at 3:00pm CET ESNI will host Dr. Gesine Saher and Dr. Stefano Berghoff (Max Plank Institute of Experimental Medicine, Germany) to answer question about there article Microglia facilitate repair of demyelinated lesions via post-squalene sterol synthesis. “The repair of inflamed, demyelinated lesions as in multiple sclerosis (MS) necessitates the clearance of cholesterol-rich myelin debris by microglia/macrophages and the switch from a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory lesion environment. Subsequently, oligodendrocytes increase cholesterol levels as a prerequisite for synthesizing new myelin membranes. We hypothesized that lesion resolution is regulated by the fate of cholesterol from damaged myelin [...]

26/02/2021|Categories: JC|


ECTRIMS offers a comprehensive range of fellowship programmes for different target groups. Please click on the button below for an overview of ECTRIMS fellowships as well as information on the application process. Don’t miss out on these unique opportunities. An ECTRIMS fellowship provides you the resources, support and professional network to pursue your career in the MS field FELLOWSHIPS

05/03/2019|Categories: News|
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